Recently in New Mexico an elderly man brought a nearly forty pound house cat to the animal shelter as he was no longer able to care for it. The cat had grown so large it couldn’t fit in its litter box. Luckily, the elderly man did the right thing by recognizing he wasn’t able to properly care for the animal. In due time, the vets at the shelter will decrease the cat’s weight to normal.
Animal obesity is a serious condition. The cat weighing 40 pounds would be the equivalent of an average height man weighing 600 pounds! That would require immediate medical intervention.
Just like in humans, obesity can lead to a myriad of health problems and can significantly shorten your pet’s life span. Be mindful of what you are feeding your dog or cat. Get on a good eating and exercise schedule. Generally, an animal will eat as much as you feed them. So when we see an overweight pet, we know they were overfed.
Also be mindful of the ingredients in your pet’s food. Look at the label and check the nutritional value. Again, like humans.
Be sure to check with your veterinarian regarding the average weight for your pet. Many pet owners may be unaware that they have an “above average” sized dog or cat. Being vigilant of your pet’s diet and exercise could add years to your beloved furry friends.